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UsagiVr Slime Tracker(BMI160)
Classic BMI160
The Classic Mini (budget version), which uses the BMI160 sensor, considered an entry-level option.

UsagiVr Slime Tracker mini (ICM42688)
ICM42688 sensor, providing double the performance of the BMI160 sensor. Enjoy an ultimate experience with our custom PCB design. Additionally, this version is even more compact and comfortable, enhancing your VR experience.

UsagiVr Slime Tracker mini (BNO085)
BNO085 Ultimate Tracker sensor. Say goodbye to drift and enjoy the best standalone IMU sensor, perfect for sleeping in VR, dancing, and doing crazy things. Experience top-notch tracking with our custom PCB design. Additionally, this version is even more compact and comfortable, enhancing your VR experience.